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{{commonscat|Logical fallacies}}
| name = Fallacies
| title = [[Fallacy|Fallacies]] ([[List of fallacies|list]])
{{cat main|Fallacy}}
| state = {{{state|collapsed}}}
{{cat more|List of fallacies}}
| bodyclass = hlist
{{See also category|Cognitive biases|Decision-making paradoxes}}

| group1 = [[Formal fallacy|Formal]]
| list1 =
[[Category:Philosophical arguments]]
[[Category:Communication of falsehoods]]
| group1 = In [[Propositional calculus|propositional logic]]
[[Category:Narrative techniques]]
| list1 =
[[Category:Rhetorical techniques]]
* [[Affirming a disjunct]]
[[Category:Propaganda techniques]]
* [[Affirming the consequent]]
* [[Denying the antecedent]]
* [[Argument from fallacy]]
* [[Masked-man fallacy|Masked man]]
* [[Mathematical fallacy]]
| group2 = In [[Quantifier (logic)|quantificational logic]]
| list2 =
* [[Existential fallacy|Existential]]
* [[Affirming the consequent|Illicit conversion]]
* [[Proof by example]]
* [[Quantifier shift]]
| group3 = [[Syllogistic fallacy]]
| list3 =
* [[Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise]]
* [[Negative conclusion from affirmative premises]]
* [[Fallacy of exclusive premises|Exclusive premises]]
* [[Existential fallacy|Existential]]
* [[Modal scope fallacy|Necessity]]
* [[Fallacy of four terms|Four terms]]
* [[Illicit major]]
* [[Illicit minor]]
* [[Fallacy of the undistributed middle|Undistributed middle]]
| group2 = [[Informal fallacy|Informal]]
| list2 =
| group1 = Equivocation
| list1 =
* [[Equivocation]]
* [[False equivalence]]
* [[False attribution]]
* [[Quoting out of context]]
* [[Loki's Wager]]
* [[No true Scotsman]]
* [[Reification (fallacy)|Reification]]
| group2 = Question-begging
| list2 =
* [[Circular reasoning]] / [[Begging the question]]
* [[Loaded language]]
** [[Leading question]]
* [[Double-barreled question|Compound question]] / [[Loaded question]] / [[Complex question]]
* [[No true Scotsman]]
| group3 = [[Correlative-based fallacies|Correlative-based]]
| list3 =
* [[False dilemma]]
** [[Nirvana fallacy|Perfect solution]]
* [[Denying the correlative]]
* [[Suppressed correlative]]
| group4 = [[Fallacies of illicit transference|Illicit transference]]
| list4 =
* [[Fallacy of composition|Composition]]
* [[Fallacy of division|Division]]
* [[Ecological fallacy|Ecological]]
| group5 = ''[[Secundum quid]]''
| list5 =
* [[Accident (fallacy)|Accident]]
* [[Converse accident]]
| group6 = [[Faulty generalization|Faulty generalization]]
| list6 =
* [[Anecdotal evidence]]
* [[Sampling bias]]
** [[Cherry picking]]
** [[McNamara fallacy|McNamara]]
* [[Base rate fallacy|Base rate]] / [[Conjunction fallacy|Conjunction]]
* [[Double counting (fallacy)|Double counting]]
* [[Argument from analogy|False analogy]]
* [[Slothful induction]]
* [[Overwhelming exception]]
| group7 = [[Ambiguity]]
| list7 =
* [[Fallacy of accent|Accent]]
* [[False precision]]
* [[Moving the goalposts]]
* [[Quoting out of context]]
* [[Slippery slope]]
* [[Sorites paradox]]
* [[Syntactic ambiguity]]
| group8 = [[Questionable cause|Questionable cause]]
| list8 =
* [[Animistic fallacy|Animistic]]
** [[Furtive fallacy|Furtive]]
* Correlation implies causation
** ''[[Correlation does not imply causation|Cum hoc]]''
** ''[[Post hoc ergo propter hoc|Post hoc]]''
* [[Gambler's fallacy|Gambler's]]
** [[Inverse gambler's fallacy|Inverse]]
* [[Regression fallacy|Regression]]
* [[Fallacy of the single cause|Single cause]]
* [[Slippery slope]]
* [[Texas sharpshooter fallacy|Texas sharpshooter]]
| group9 = Appeals
| list9 =
* [[Appeal to the law|Law/Legality]]
* [[Appeal to the stone|Stone]] / [[Proof by assertion]]
| group1 = [[Appeal to consequences|Consequences]]
| list1 =
* ''[[Argumentum ad baculum]]''
* [[Wishful thinking]]
| group2 = [[Appeal to emotion|Emotion]]
| list2 =
* [[Think of the children|Children]]
* [[Appeal to fear|Fear]]
* [[Appeal to flattery|Flattery]]
* [[Appeal to novelty|Novelty]]
* [[Appeal to pity|Pity]]
* [[Appeal to ridicule|Ridicule]]
* [[In-group favoritism]]
* [[Invented here]] / [[Not invented here]]
* [[Island mentality]]
* [[Appeal to loyalty|Loyalty]]
* [[Parade of horribles]]
* [[Appeal to spite|Spite]]
* [[Flag-waving|Stirring symbols]]
* [[Wisdom of repugnance]]
| group10 = [[Genetic fallacy|Genetic /<br> Gene based]]
| list10 =
| group1 = ''[[Ad hominem]]''
| list1 =
* [[Appeal to motive]]
* [[Association fallacy|Association]]
** ''[[Reductio ad Hitlerum]]''
*** [[Godwin's law]]
** ''[[Red-baiting|Reductio ad Stalinum]]''
* [[Bulverism]]
* [[Poisoning the well]]
* [[Tone policing|Tone]]
* ''[[Tu quoque]]''
* [[Whataboutism]]
| list2 =
* [[Argument from authority|Authority]]
** [[Appeal to accomplishment|Accomplishment]]
** ''[[Ipse dixit]]''
** [[Argumentum ad lazarum|Poverty]] / [[Argumentum ad crumenam|Wealth]]
* [[Etymological fallacy|Etymology]]
* [[Appeal to nature|Nature]]
* [[Appeal to tradition|Tradition]] / [[Appeal to novelty|Novelty]]
** [[Chronological snobbery]]
| group12 = Other [[fallacy of relevance|fallacies<br/> of relevance]]
| list12 =
| group1 = Arguments
| list1 =
* ''[[Ad nauseam]]''
** [[Sealioning]]
* [[Argument from anecdote]]
* [[Argument from silence]]
* [[Argument to moderation]]
* ''[[Argumentum ad populum]]''
* [[Cliché]]
* [[I'm entitled to my opinion]]
* ''[[Irrelevant conclusion|Ignoratio elenchi]]''
* [[Invincible ignorance fallacy|Invincible ignorance]]
* [[Moralistic fallacy|Moralistic]] / [[Naturalistic fallacy|Naturalistic]]
* [[Motte-and-bailey fallacy]]
* [[Rationalization (psychology)|Rationalization]]
* [[Red herring]]
** [[Two wrongs make a right]]
* [[Special pleading]]
* [[Straw man]]
| below =
*{{icon|cat}} [[:Category:Fallacies|Category]]
[[Category:Philosophy and thinking navigational boxes]]

Revision as of 02:13, 18 January 2023

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