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{{Infobox receptor
| name                       = <!--Note: This template defaults to the pagename if this parameter is excluded-->
| signal transduction        = <!--Add receptor transduction mechanisms here-->
| primary endogenous agonist = <!--If the receptor has exactly one primary endogenous agonist, use this parameter-->
| primary endogenous agonists= <!--If the receptor has more than 1 primary endogenous agonist, use this parameter-->
| agonists                   = <!--Add a list of receptor agonists here-->
| antagonists                = <!--Add a list of receptor antagonists here-->
| inverse agonists           = <!--If applicable, list inverse agonists here; if not, list "N/A" or delete the parameter-->
| PAMs                       = <!--If applicable, add a list of positive allosteric modulators here-->
| NAMs                       = <!--If applicable, add a list of negative allosteric modulators here-->

<!-- External links -->
| IUPHAR Target ID           = <!--List the Target ID number for the receptor's IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology webpage-->
| DrugBank Polypeptides ID   = <!--List the alphanumeric string listed at the end of the receptor's DrugBank Polypeptides webpage url-->
| HMDB Protein ID            = <!--List the alphanumeric string listed at the end of the receptor's HMDB protein webpage url-->

Parameter notes and examples

Beta-2 adrenergic receptor
Transduction mechanismsPrimary: Gs
Secondary: Gi/o
Primary endogenous agonistsepinephrine, norepinephrine
Agonistsisoprenaline, salbutamol, salmeterol, others
Antagonistscarvedilol, propranolol, labetalol, others
Inverse agonistsN/A
Positive allosteric modulatorsZn2+ (low concentrations)
Negative allosteric modulatorsZn2+ (high concentrations)
External resources
Trace amine-associated receptor 1
Transduction mechanismsGs, Gq, GIRKs, β-arrestin 2
Primary endogenous agoniststyramine, β-phenylethylamine, octopamine, dopamine
AgonistsEndogenous: trace amines
Exogenous: RO5166017, amphetamine, methamphetamine, others
Neutral antagonistsNone characterized
Inverse agonistsEPPTB
Positive allosteric modulatorsN/A
Negative allosteric modulatorsN/A
External resources

Parameters are:Script error: No such module "anchor".

  • |name= (infobox name defaults to {{PAGENAME}} if excluded)
  • |signal transduction=
  • |primary endogenous agonist= OR |primary endogenous agonists= (produces singular vs plural output)
  • |agonists=
  • |antagonists=[note 1]
  • |inverse agonists=
  • |PAMs=
  • |NAMs=
  • |IUPHAR Target ID=
  • |DrugBank Polypeptides ID=
  • |HMDB Protein ID=
  1. NOTE: this field is listed as "Antagonists" or "Neutral antagonists" depending upon the input for |inverse agonists=: it's listed as "Neutral antagonists" whenever that parameter IS NOT either missing in the template call or included with either of these inputs: |inverse agonists= OR |inverse agonists=N/A.
    Compare how the "Antagonists" field is listed in the example templates for beta-2 adrenoceptors and TAAR1 (see right).


The input for this parameter should be the number listed at the end of the following url for the receptor's Guide to Pharmacology page: http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/GRAC/ObjectDisplayForward?objectId=

For example, the "β2-adrenoceptor" webpage is http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/GRAC/ObjectDisplayForward?objectId=29, so the parameter input should be |IUPHAR Target ID=29.

DrugBank polypeptides ID

To find the corresponding webpage to link to with this parameter, go to https://www.drugbank.ca/ and select "Targets", then search for the receptor. This will take you to a "Bio-entities" page (e.g., the corresponding page for TAAR1). The 4th row listed on this page is "Polypeptides"; click the "Details" link in this row, which will take you to the DrugBank Polypeptides page for the receptor (e.g., TAAR1's DrugBank Polypeptides page).

Copy the string at the end of the https://www.drugbank.ca/biodb/polypeptides/ url of the page you arrive at and paste it into the |DrugBank Polypeptides ID= parameter.

For example, for TAAR1, the webpage is https://www.drugbank.ca/biodb/polypeptides/Q96RJ0 – so the parameter input is |DrugBank Polypeptides ID=Q96RJ0.

HMDB Protein ID

To find the corresponding webpage to link to with this parameter, go to http://www.hmdb.ca/ and select "proteins" in the drop-down menu located at the top of the webpage, then search for the receptor. This will take you to the HMDB webpage for the receptor; the very first row listed on this page is "HMDB Protein ID". Copy/paste the alphanumeric string located to the right of that label into the |HMDB Protein ID= parameter.

For example, for the Beta-2 adrenergic receptor, the corresponding webpage is http://www.hmdb.ca/proteins/HMDBP01634, the HMDB Protein ID is listed as "HMDBP01634", so the input for this parameter should be |HMDB Protein ID=HMDBP01634.

Tracking categories