Template:Infobox marine ecoregion/doc

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< Template:Infobox marine ecoregion
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Script error: No such module "Parameter names example".

{{Infobox marine ecoregion
|name                = 
|image               = 
|image_size          = 
|image_alt           = 
|caption             = 
|map                 = 
|map_size            = 
|map_alt             = 
|map_caption         = 
|marine_realm        = 
|marine_province     = 
|biome               = 
|marine_border       = 
|marine_borders      =
|mangrove_border     = 
|mangrove_borders    = 
|freshwater_border   = 
|freshwater_borders  = 
|terrestrial_border  = 
|terrestrial_borders = 
|animals             = 
|area                = 
|country             = 
|countries           = 
|state               = 
|region_type         = 
|coordinates         = 
|seas                = 
|physical_features   =
|coast               = 
|currents            = 
|rivers              = 
|conservation        = 
|global200           = 
|protected           = 
|protected_ref       = 
|embedded            = 


name Name of the ecoregion
Photo and map
image filename for image, don't include File: (e.g., foo.jpg)
image_size image width in pixels, defaults to 300
image_alt alternate text for image (for accessibility)
image_caption caption underneath image
map filename for map, don't include File: (e.g., foo.png)
map_size width of map image in pixels (defaults to 300)
map_alt alternative text for map
map_caption caption underneath map
marine_realm Marine realm that contains ecoregion
marine_province Marine province that contains ecoregion
biome Biome type for ecoregion
animals Significant animal species
marine_border If ecoregion borders one other, indicate here
marine_border(n) If ecoregion borders more than one other marine ecoregion, list others as marine_border1, marine_border2, marine_border3, etc.
mangrove_border If ecoregion borders one mangrove ecoregion, indicate here
mangrove_border(n) If ecoregion borders more than one mangrove ecoregion, list others as mangrove_border1, mangrove_border2, mangrove_border3, etc.
freshwater_border If ecoregion borders one freshwater ecoregion, indicate here
freshwater_border(n) If ecoregion borders more than one freshwater ecoregion, list others as freshwater_border1, freshwater_border2, freshwater_border3, etc.
terrestrial_border If ecoregion borders one terrestrial ecoregion, indicate here
terrestrial_border(n) If ecoregion borders more than one terrestrial ecoregion, list others as terrestrial_border1, terrestrial_border2, terrestrial_border3, etc.
area Area of ecoregion in square kilometers (no units, plain number)
country If ecoregion occurs in a single country, use this field
country(n) If ecoregion occurs in more than one country, add them as country1, country2, etc.
state If ecoregion occurs in a single state (subnational division), use this field
state(n) If ecoregion occurs in more than one state, add them as state1, state2, etc.,
region_type If subnational division is not a state, then use this field to change label, e.g., "Province"
seas Indicate the ocean or seas that the ecoregion covers here
physical_features Indicate any major physical features encompassed by the ecoregion - islands or archipelagoes, reefs, bays or estuaries, channels or straits, etc.
coast Indicate coastal types (beaches, rocky coasts, wetlands, etc.) and/or named coasts or beaches here.
currents list the ocean currents, and upwellings or downwellings, which influence the ecoregion here.
rivers If a river empties into the ecoregion, indicate that here.
coordinates Coordinates for approximate center of ecoregion (use {{Coord}})
Conservation information
conservation Ecoregion conservation status: typically "critical/endangered", "vulnerable", or "relatively stable/relatively intact".
global200 Whether this ecoregion is one of the Global 200 of the World Wildlife Fund
habitat_loss Percentage of habitat loss, expressed between 0-100, no need for %
habitat_loss_ref Reference for habitat loss
protected Percentage of ecoregion that is protected, expressed between 0-100, no need for %.
protected_ref Reference for percent protected
embedded Another Infobox to place within the ecoregion infobox. The other infobox will show up at the end of the ecoregion infobox. The other infobox needs to have its "embed" or "child" parameter set to 1 or yes, as appropriate.

Maintenance categories