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Note: {{ Count/testcase1}} tests nesting of templates calling {{ Count}}.

Call Result
{{ Count| A| B| | D}} 3
{{ Count/testcase1}} 0
{{ Count/testcase1| base=1}} 1
{{ Count/testcase1| base=0}} 0
{{ Count/testcase1| abc}} 1
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| base=0}} 1
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| base=1}} 1
{{ Count/testcase1| | DEF}} 1
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| DEF}} 2
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| DEF| }} 2
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| DEF| ghi}} 3
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| | ghi}} 2
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| DEF| ghi| JKL| mno| PQR| stu| VWX| yz#}} 9
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| DEF| ghi| JKL| mno| PQR| stu| VWX| yz@|  #$%}} 10
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| DEF| ghi| JKL| mno| PQR| stu| VWX| yz@|  #$%| ^&*| ()_| +:"| 123| 456| 789| 000}} 10   Only counts to 10 right now!
{{ Count/testcase1| abc| | ghi| | mno| | stu| | yz@| }} 5
{{ Count/testcase1| | DEF| | JKL| | PQR| | VWX| |  #$%}} 5
{{ Count/testcase1| DEF| JKL| PQR| VWX|  #$%}} 5
{{ Count/testcase1| | | | | | | | | |  #$%}} 1
{{ Count/testcase1| | | | | | | | | }} 0
{{ Count/testcase1| | | | | | | | | | base=0}} 0
{{ Count/testcase1| | | | | | | | | | base=1}} 1
{{ Count/testcase1| base=0| | | | | | | | | }} 0
{{ Count/testcase1| base=1| | | | | | | | | }} 1
{{ Count/testcase1| base=0| | | | | | PQR| | | }} 1
{{ Count/testcase1| base=1| | | | | | PQR| | | }} 1