Template:Infobox Oklahoma legislation/doc

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Script error: No such module "Parameter names example".


{{Infobox Oklahoma legislation
| name             = 
| fullname         = 
| acronym          = 
| enacted by       = 
| effective date   = 
| purpose          = 
| state law url    = 
| cite state law   = 
| acts amended     = 
| title amended    = 
| sections created = 
| sections amended = 
| leghisturl       = 
| introducedin     = 
| introducedbill   = 
| introducedby     = 
| introduceddate   = 
| committees       = 
| passedbody1      = 
| passeddate1      = 
| passedvote1      = 
| passedbody2      = 
| passeddate2      = 
| passedvote2      = 
| passedbody3      = 
| conferencedate   = 
| passeddate3      = 
| passedvote3      = 
| passedbody4      = 
| passeddate4      = 
| passedvote4      = 
| signedgovernor   = 
| signeddate       = 
| amendments       = 

See also