Template:Infobox UMTRCA/doc

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Full blank syntax

Script error: No such module "Parameter names example".

{{Infobox UMTRCA
| embed        =
| name         = 
| image        = 
| caption      = 
| city         = 
|  town        = 
|  township    = 
|  CDP         = 
| county       = 
|  parish      = 
|  borough     = 
|  census_area = 
| state        = 
|  territory   = 
|  district    = 
| map          = 
| map_caption  = 
| contaminants = 
| responsible  = 
| proposed     = 
| listed       = 
| construction = 
| partial_del  = 
| deleted      = 


This infobox should be added to any uranium mill sites that are within the purview of the United States Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act. UMTRCA sites can be found in the Category:UMTRCA sites or on the Department of Energy website as the sites listed under the UMTRCA programmatic framework.



The name of the UMTRCA site. "UMTRCA site" will be added automatically to the end of the name.


(optional) - to embed into another infobox template


(optional) - If an image of the site is available.


(optional) - A caption for the image.


(optional) - If a map of the site is available. You can also use |location_map= with a {{location map}} to create a map if the coordinates are known.


(optional) - A {{location map}} showing the location of the site. Requires |coordinates=.


(optional) - A caption for the map.

City, Town, Township, CDP

(optional) - The name of the city or cities where the site is located. Town, township, or CDP (census-designated place) can also be specified instead of city.

County, Parish, Borough, Census_area

(optional) - The name of the county, parish (Louisiana), borough (Alaska), or census area (Alaska) where the site is located.

State, Territory, District

(optional) - The name of the state, territory, or district (Washington D.C.) where the site is located.


(optional) - The coordinates of the site, using {{coord}}.


(optional) - A short list of the major contaminating chemicals found at the site. If there are multiple, they can be separated from each other by placing {{br}} between each one.


(optional) - If applicable, the names of the responsible parties for the site. Write None if there are no responsible parties.


(optional) - The date the site was proposed for listing as a UMTRCA site.


(optional) - The date the site was listed as a UMTRCA site.


(optional) - The date that remedial action was completed at the site.


(optional) - The date the site was transferred to Legacy Management.


(optional) - The date the site was returned to private ownership.


Tracking category

See also