Template:Infobox element isotopes/doc

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This is the element-specific Infobox for isotope-articles. It contains a table of main isotopes and evewntually the standard atomic weight. This template is reused in {{Infobox <element>}} as a child Infobox ({{para|child|yes]}).

As of Jan 2023, a 'Main isotope' is conforming MOS:MAINISOTOPE (under construction, see WP:ELEMENTS What is a "Main_isotope"?) When adding a new isotope to the list, use |main= to describe the reason for inclusion. For example: |main=medicine, nuclear power, dating, stable (only stable is obvious by itself). Like one would add as editsummary.

Each indvidual isotope has its own subtemplate, depending on its decay:

{{Infobox element isotopes
|symbol    =
|footnote  =
|isobox ref=
|isotopes  =
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes stable |mn= |sym= |link |hl= |main= |ref= }}
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay1 |mn= |sym= |link |hl= |main= |ref= |dm1= |pn1= |ps1= |link1                   }}
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay2 |mn= |sym= |link |hl= |main= |ref= |dm1= |pn1= |ps1= |link1 |dm2= |pn2= |ps2= }}
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay3 |mn= |sym= |link |hl= |main= |ref= |dm1= |pn1= |ps1= |link1 | .. 2 .. 3       }}
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay4 |mn= |sym= |link |hl= |main= |ref= |dm1= |pn1= |ps1= |link1 | .. 2 .. 3 .. 4  }}
For single decay, unnumbered version is available:
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay  |mn= |sym= |hl= |dm= |pn= |ps= |link1 |main= |ref=}}
Table used in {{Infobox element}}


Automated data: title, columnheaders, standard atomic weight. Isotopes are to be entered by the editor in |isotopes=, using one subtemplate for each isotope. The subtemplate produces one row in the table (possibly with multiple decay mode routes). The infobox adds the outer table form.

|symbol    =
|footnote  =
|isobox ref=
|isotopes  =
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes stable|.. }}
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay1|.. }}
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay2|.. }}
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay3|.. }}
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay4|.. }}

Isotopes decay2

Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
234U 95% 2 y[1] α 247Cn
β 242Pu
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay2
| sym  = U
| mn   = 234
| link = uranium-234
| main = med
| na   = 95%
| hl   = 2 y
| ref  = <ref>Reference A</ref>

| dm1  = α
| ps1  = Cn
| pn1  = 247
| link1= 
| dm2  = β
| ps2  = Pu
| pn2  = 242
| link2= plutonium-242
}} }}
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay2
| sym  = symbol (U, Tc) 
| mn   = mass number (234)
| link = article (uranium-234)
| main = med
| na   = natural abundance (95%, trace)
| hl   = half-life (2y, stable)
| ref  = <ref>Reference A</ref>

| dm1  = decay mode #1 (α)
| dm2  = β
| ps1  = product symbol #1 (Cn)
| ps2  = Pu
| pn1  = product mass number #1 (247)
| pn2  = 242
| link1= product link #1
| link2= plutonium-242

Single isotope parameter (|ref=)

Available for each row subtemplates (stable, decay 1-4):

This will show after the lefthand side isotope name:
|ref demo=
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
105Ag syn 41.3 d[2] ε 105Pd
107Ag 51.839% stable[3]
108Ag syn 439 y[4] ε 108Pd
IT 108Ag
{{infobox silver isotopes
|isotopes   =
{{infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay1 | mn=105 | sym=Ag | hl= ...
 | dm=[[electron capture|ε]] ... 
 | ref=<ref>Ag-105 γ decay {{tlf|cite web}}</ref> }}
{{infobox element isotopes/isotopes stable | mn=107 | sym=Ag | na=51.839% |firstlinks=yes
 | ref=<ref>Ag=107 stable - reference</ref> }}
{{infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay3 | mn=108m | sym=Ag | na=syn | hl=...
 | dm1=ε ... | dm2=IT ... | dm3=γ ...
 | ref=<ref>Ag-108 {{tlf|cite web}}</ref> }}


  • NUBASE2020: In general, referring to {{NUBASE2020}} is not needed, as this is the default referencing for isotopes.
  • By specific decay mode: When the reference refers to a specific decay mode (α, SF), it can be added as opening text: |ref=SF decay: {{cite web}}
  • No edits required: but in the long term it is advisable to move references from in-parameter into this one (for example, remove from |hl=2 y<ref>...</ref> to |ref=<ref>...</ref>).

Simple demo tablerows

What |isotopes= input should look like:

Main isotopes of  (Xx)
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
19F 100% stable[5]
251Cf trace 898 y α 247Cm
| isotopes =
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes stable
  | mn   = 19
  | sym  = F
  | link = fluorine-19
  | main = med
  | na   = 100%
  | ref  = <ref>Refence A</ref>
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay
  | mn   = 251
  | sym  = Cf
  | main = power
  | na   = trace
  | hl   = 898 y
  | dm1  = α
  | pn1  = 247
  | ps1  = Cm
  | ref  = <ref>Refence A</ref>

All tablerow options (demo)

Full demo input

The examples are from various elements.

| footnote=* = [[excited state]]{{sfn|Chisté|2006}}
| isotopes =
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes stable
  | link = Fluorine-19
  | mn   = 19
  | sym  = F
  | main = med V09
  | na   = 100%
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay
  | mn   = 251
  | sym  = Cf
  | main = med V10
  | na   = trace
  | hl   = 898 y
  | dm1  = α
  | link1= curium-247
  | pn1  = 247
  | ps1  = Cm
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay2
  | mn   = 252
  | sym  = Cf
  | main = power
  | na   = trace
  | hl   = 2.645 y
  | dm1  = α (96.91%)
  | link1= curium-248
  | pn1  = 248
  | ps1  = Cm
  | dm2  = SF (3.09%)
  | pn2  = 
  | ps2  = –
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes decay3
  | mn   = 26
  | sym  = Al
  | main = power, geohist
  | na   = [[trace radioisotope|trace]]
  | hl   = 7.17×105 y
  | dm1  = [[Positron emission|β<sup>+</sup>]]
  | link1= magnesium-26
  | pn1  = 26
  | ps1  = Mg
  | dm2  = [[electron capture|ε]]
  | link2= magnesium-26
  | pn2  = 26
  | ps2  = Mg
  | dm3  = [[Gamma radiation|γ]]
  | pn3  = 
  | ps3  = –
{{Infobox element isotopes/isotopes_decay4
  | mn   = 260
  | sym  = Md
  | main = 1st synthesised
  | na   = [[synthetic radioisotope|syn]]
  | hl   = 31.8 [[day|d]]
 | ref  = <ref>Refence A</ref>

  | dm1  = SF
  | pn1  = 
  | ps1  = –
  | dm2  = α
  | link2= einsteinium-256
  | pn2  = 256
  | ps2  = Es
  | dm3  = ε
  | link3= fermium-260
  | pn3  = 260
  | ps3  = Fm
  | dm4  = [[beta emission|β<sup>−</sup>]]
  | link4= nobelium-260
  | pn4  = 260
  | ps4  = No
Main isotopes of  (Xx)
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
19F 100% stable
251Cf trace 898 y α 247Cm
252Cf trace 2.645 y α (96.91%) 248Cm
SF (3.09%)
26Al trace 7.17×105 y β+ 26Mg
ε 26Mg
260Md syn 31.8 d SF
α 256Es
ε 260Fm
β 260No

Decay modes

As of NUBASE2020, see decay mode.

Mode Name Action Nucleus changes
α Alpha emission An alpha particle (A = 4, Z = 2) emitted from nucleus (A − 4, Z − 2)
p Proton emission A proton ejected from nucleus (A − 1, Z − 1)
2p 2-proton emission Two protons ejected from nucleus simultaneously (A − 2, Z − 2)
n Neutron emission A neutron ejected from nucleus (A − 1, Z)
2n 2-neutron emission Two neutrons ejected from nucleus simultaneously (A − 2, Z)
ε Electron capture A nucleus captures an orbiting electron and emits a neutrino; the daughter nucleus is left in an excited unstable state (AZ − 1)
e+ Positron emission A nuclear proton converts to a neutron by emitting a positron and an electron neutrino (AZ − 1)
β+ Positron emission In NUBASE2020, β+ refers to the combined rate of electron capture (ε) and positron emission (e+): + = ε + e+) (AZ − 1)
β β decay A nucleus emits an electron and an electron antineutrino (AZ + 1)
Double β decay A nucleus emits two electrons and two antineutrinos (AZ + 2)
+ Double β decay A nucleus emits two positrons and two neutrinos (AZ − 2)
βn β-delayed neutron emission A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits a neutron (A − 1, Z + 1)
β2n β-delayed 2-neutron emission A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits two neutrons (A − 2, Z + 1)
β3n β-delayed 3-neutron emission A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits three neutrons (A − 3, Z + 1)
β+p β+-delayed proton emission A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then emits a proton (A − 1, Z − 2)
β+2p β+-delayed 2-proton emission A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then emits two protons (A − 2, Z − 3)
β+3p β+-delayed 3-proton emission A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then emits three protons (A − 3, Z − 4)
βα β-delayed alpha emission A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits an α particle (A − 4, Z − 1)
β+α β+-delayed alpha emission A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then emits an α particle (A − 4, Z − 3)
βd β-delayed deuteron emission A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits a deuteron (A − 2, Z)
βt β-delayed triton emission A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits a triton (A − 3, Z)
CD Cluster decay A nucleus emits a specific type of smaller nucleus (A1, Z1) which is larger than an alpha particle (A − A1Z − Z1) & (A1, Z1)
IT Internal (isomeric) transition A nucleus in a metastable state drops to a lower energy state by emitting a photon or ejecting an electron (AZ)
SF Spontaneous fission A nucleus disintegrates into two or more smaller nuclei and other particles, all of which may vary with each decay variable
β+SF β+-delayed fission A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then undergoes spontaneous fission β+ & variable
βSF β-delayed fission A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then undergoes spontaneous fission β & variable

Standard atomic weight

For stable elements, the formal standard atomic weight (s.a.w.) is added, as published by CIAAW. When the s.a.w. is in interval-notation, its conventional value is added too. Data is retrieved from central s.a.w. values lists, formatting is by {{Infobox element/standard atomic weight format}} (same as {{infobox element}}).


Main isotopes of lithium (3Li)
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
Standard atomic weight Ar°(Li)
  • [Script error: No such module "val".Script error: No such module "val".]
  • Script error: No such module "val". (abridged)[8][9]
{{Infobox element isotopes


Header, shows input |isotopes=, and adds footer =table <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" id="" style="" inline="1">|}</syntaxhighlight>.
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct




  1. Reference A
  2. Ag-105 γ decay {{cite web}}
  3. Ag=107 stable - reference
  4. Ag-108 {{cite web}}
  5. Refence A
  6. Chisté 2006.
  7. Kondev, F. G.; Wang, M.; Huang, W. J.; Naimi, S.; Audi, G. (2021). "The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties" (PDF). Chinese Physics C. 45 (3): 030001. doi:10.1088/1674-1137/abddae.
  8. "Standard Atomic Weights: Lithium". CIAAW. 2009.
  9. Prohaska, Thomas; Irrgeher, Johanna; Benefield, Jacqueline; et al. (2022-05-04). "Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. doi:10.1515/pac-2019-0603. ISSN 1365-3075.

See also

Script error: No such module "Navbox". Script error: No such module "anchor".

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Script error: No such module "Su".O
Script error: No such module "Su".F
Script error: No such module "Su".Ne
Script error: No such module "Su".Na
Script error: No such module "Su".Mg
Script error: No such module "Su".Al
Script error: No such module "Su".Si
Script error: No such module "Su".P
Script error: No such module "Su".S
Script error: No such module "Su".Cl
Script error: No such module "Su".Ar
Script error: No such module "Su".K
Script error: No such module "Su".Ca
Script error: No such module "Su".Sc
Script error: No such module "Su".Ti
Script error: No such module "Su".V
Script error: No such module "Su".Cr
Script error: No such module "Su".Mn
Script error: No such module "Su".Fe
Script error: No such module "Su".Co
Script error: No such module "Su".Ni
Script error: No such module "Su".Cu
Script error: No such module "Su".Zn
Script error: No such module "Su".Ga
Script error: No such module "Su".Ge
Script error: No such module "Su".As
Script error: No such module "Su".Se
Script error: No such module "Su".Br
Script error: No such module "Su".Kr
Script error: No such module "Su".Rb
Script error: No such module "Su".Sr
Script error: No such module "Su".Y
Script error: No such module "Su".Zr
Script error: No such module "Su".Nb
Script error: No such module "Su".Mo
Script error: No such module "Su".Tc
Script error: No such module "Su".Ru
Script error: No such module "Su".Rh
Script error: No such module "Su".Pd
Script error: No such module "Su".Ag
Script error: No such module "Su".Cd
Script error: No such module "Su".In
Script error: No such module "Su".Sn
Script error: No such module "Su".Sb
Script error: No such module "Su".Te
Script error: No such module "Su".I
Script error: No such module "Su".Xe
Script error: No such module "Su".Cs
Script error: No such module "Su".Ba
File:Asterisks one.svg
Script error: No such module "Su".Lu
Script error: No such module "Su".Hf
Script error: No such module "Su".Ta
Script error: No such module "Su".W
Script error: No such module "Su".Re
Script error: No such module "Su".Os
Script error: No such module "Su".Ir
Script error: No such module "Su".Pt
Script error: No such module "Su".Au
Script error: No such module "Su".Hg
Script error: No such module "Su".Tl
Script error: No such module "Su".Pb
Script error: No such module "Su".Bi
Script error: No such module "Su".Po
Script error: No such module "Su".At
Script error: No such module "Su".Rn
Script error: No such module "Su".Fr
Script error: No such module "Su".Ra
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Script error: No such module "Su".Rf
Script error: No such module "Su".Db
Script error: No such module "Su".Sg
Script error: No such module "Su".Bh
Script error: No such module "Su".Hs
Script error: No such module "Su".Mt
Script error: No such module "Su".Ds
Script error: No such module "Su".Rg
Script error: No such module "Su".Cn
Script error: No such module "Su".Nh
Script error: No such module "Su".Fl
Script error: No such module "Su".Mc
Script error: No such module "Su".Lv
Script error: No such module "Su".Ts
Script error: No such module "Su".Og
Script error: No such module "Su".Uue
Script error: No such module "Su".Ubn
File:Asterisks one.svg
File:Asterisks one.svg
Script error: No such module "Su".La
Script error: No such module "Su".Ce
Script error: No such module "Su".Pr
Script error: No such module "Su".Nd
Script error: No such module "Su".Pm
Script error: No such module "Su".Sm
Script error: No such module "Su".Eu
Script error: No such module "Su".Gd
Script error: No such module "Su".Tb
Script error: No such module "Su".Dy
Script error: No such module "Su".Ho
Script error: No such module "Su".Er
Script error: No such module "Su".Tm
Script error: No such module "Su".Yb
File:Asterisks one.svg
Script error: No such module "Su".Ac
Script error: No such module "Su".Th
Script error: No such module "Su".Pa
Script error: No such module "Su".U
Script error: No such module "Su".Np
Script error: No such module "Su".Pu
Script error: No such module "Su".Am
Script error: No such module "Su".Cm
Script error: No such module "Su".Bk
Script error: No such module "Su".Cf
Script error: No such module "Su".Es
Script error: No such module "Su".Fm
Script error: No such module "Su".Md
Script error: No such module "Su".No
File:Asterisks one.svg
Script error: No such module "Su".Ubu
Script error: No such module "Su".Ubb
Script error: No such module "Su".Ubq
Script error: No such module "Su".Ubh
Article quality: 
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.